Black Cats Need Your Help

Handsome house panther, George

August 17, Black Cat Appreciation Day, is just one of several days designated to bring awareness to the plight of black cats and I am grateful for all of them. Black cats are often overlooked in shelters and rescues and many more of them are euthenized than other colors. There are…

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Be Kind to Animals Week

Be Kind to Animals Week, May 4-10, 2014 The American Humane Association created Be Kind to Animals Week in 1915 to encourage compassion toward animals. Every year, animal shelters throughout the country hold special events during this time-honored week to raise awareness about animals in our homes and communities and…

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Black Cat Appreciation Day

Black Cat Appreciation Day is on Saturday, the 17th. Why do they need a day? What is it about black cats that cause them to be overlooked at shelters? Orange or blue-eyed kitties are often adopted on their first day while black cats may stay for months before being adopted….

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