Wordless Wednesday – Sleeping Cats

Sleeping Cats — Is there anything they do better?

Cats sleep more than any other mammal, except the opossum and some bats — up to 16 hours a day.

Sleeping cats - flame point Siamese mix Sleeping cats - flame point Siamese mix

Sleeping cats - lynx point Siamese mix Sleeping cats - lynx point Siamese mix

Sleeping cats - dilute tortie, lynx point Siamese mix DSC_1068

Sleeping cats - Russian blue mix DSC_0056

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  1. Napping kitties are happy kitties, I always say!

  2. Aw! Naps are some of the best most fun things to do! Happy Wednesday from Ateret, Livia and Abbi.

  3. They all look like they are enjoying their naps!

  4. That is one big bunch of purrfect snoozies!

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