Buyer Beware

About three years ago, MeoowzResQ was turned onto a discount pet medication website by another rescue. I do some of the buying for MeoowzResQ so I was asked to research this potential opportunity. Vaccination Services (their website is has a membership program and once you pay a reasonable fee, you…

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Disaster Preparedness and Your Pets

Are you prepared for a natural disaster or other emergency? In a Citizen Corps National Survey taken in 2009, less than 50% of Americans surveyed reported having a household emergency plan. This month is the 10th annual National Preparedness Month, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the US…

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Outdoor Cat Enclosures – Getting Cats Outdoors Safely

cat looking out window at squirrel with text overlay: Outdoor cat enclosures Getting cats outdoors safely

Watching my cats stare out the window inspired me to write an article about how to get your cat outdoors safely using an outdoor cat enclosure. Let’s face it, cats love to be outdoors but there are so many dangers out there for them. In the city, traffic is a…

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