Tag: cats
Sunday Funnies
4th of July Pet Safety Tips
Wordless Wednesday – Pet Safety
Wordless Wednesday – Sleeping Cats
Polydactyl Paws
Wordless Wednesday: Beautiful Tabby
Paleo Diet for Pets
The Paleo Diet – What is it? According to Loren Cordain, Ph.D., creator of The Paleo Diet, it is the world’s healthiest diet. It is based upon eating wholesome, contemporary foods from the food groups that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have thrived on during the Paleolithic era, or Stone Age. I…
Sick Kittens Nursed back to Health for MeoowzResQ
Helping Sick Kittens Savvy Pet Care is currently caring for sick kittens for MeoowzResQ. These kitties were saved from a high kill shelter, where, due to their illness, they were destined to be euthanized. As is common for kittens coming from shelters, they had upper respiratory infections (URI) and needed…
Fleas – What to do if You have an Infestation
Sunday Funnies
4th of July Pet Safety Tips
Wordless Wednesday – Pet Safety
Wordless Wednesday – Sleeping Cats
Polydactyl Paws
Wordless Wednesday: Beautiful Tabby
Paleo Diet for Pets
The Paleo Diet – What is it? According to Loren Cordain, Ph.D., creator of The Paleo Diet, it is the world’s healthiest diet. It is based upon eating wholesome, contemporary foods from the food groups that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have thrived on during the Paleolithic era, or Stone Age. I…
Sick Kittens Nursed back to Health for MeoowzResQ
Helping Sick Kittens Savvy Pet Care is currently caring for sick kittens for MeoowzResQ. These kitties were saved from a high kill shelter, where, due to their illness, they were destined to be euthanized. As is common for kittens coming from shelters, they had upper respiratory infections (URI) and needed…