It’s World Cat Day | Romeo The Cat – Funny Cats with a Cause

I really enjoyed this post today from Romeo the Cat. He has some great suggestions for what to do to celebrate World Cat Day.



Well, well, well. If it isn’t World Cat Day!

Of course…Pug and I agree that every day is World Cat Day but appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. How are you celebrating today? Here are some ideas:

1. Make a donation of money, food, supplies or your time to a cat rescue or shelter.

2. Adopt a cat! If you’ve been considering it, now is a great day to add some furry love to your life. If you already have a cat, support the Pets Add Life initiative and get that cat a buddy!

3. Make a list of all the ways cats rock and share it on your Facebook page. Unfriend anyone who does not “like” your post.

4. Give your cats treats. Lots of them. I mean, lots of them.

5. Draw a picture of your cat. Or make a play doh sculpture of your cat.

6. Write a poem about your cat. Share that on Facebook too.

7. TOONA. Enough said.

8. Consider a butt scratching session. Always welcome.

9. Get out the old wand toy and play some games!

10. Take a nap WITH your cat. Napping’s fun, but napping on your human’s head is even better.

OK friends, what are YOU doing to celebrate World Cat Day?

Meow for now….

via It’s World Cat Day | Romeo The Cat – Funny Cats with a Cause.

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