Black Cat Appreciation Day

Black Cat Appreciation DayBlack Cat Appreciation Day is on Saturday, the 17th. Why do they need a day? What is it about black cats that cause them to be overlooked at shelters? Orange or blue-eyed kitties are often adopted on their first day while black cats may stay for months before being adopted. Far more often than others, they are euthanized before they get that chance at a happy life. Rescues have the same problem, with some black cats remaining in the rescue for years.

Surely, in this day and age, it is not the “unlucky” myth! Perhaps to a few, but to others, what is it? Some say they are harder to photograph. Yes, that’s true, but really? Are people just looking for something flashier? Something with stripes, spots, or an unusual color? I think black cats just blend into the background at shelters and rescues, like they do in a photograph where they seem to lose their face. 

Topper - in celebration of Black Cat Appreciation Day


I don’t currently have any black cats of my own. My beautiful Topper went to the rainbow bridge a few years back and is actually the reason I got into fostering. (That’s a tale for another post.) As a foster, I have cared for many black cats and kittens and it seems to me that they are the most affectionate and loving. When I go to a friend’s house where multiple cats live, it is always the black ones that come for attention and affection.

Black Cat Appreciation day was created by Wayne Morris, who invented the day in honor of his sister (who passed away on August 17 years ago) and the black cat that she loved. He used social networking to spread the word on his Facebook page For the Love of Black Cats (Black Cat Appreciation Page).

adopt black cat

How you can help bring awareness on Black Cat Appreciation Day — and beyond!

It is a mystery why people are less likely to adopt black cats, but here’s how you can help bring awareness to their plight.

  1. Join the Black Cat Appreciation Day Event on Facebook. Share the event on your page and invite friends.
  2. Share black cats anywhere you can, like your social media posts or your website/blog. Show people how special they are — or even just how they are like other cats!
  3. Learn to take great photos of black cats. It can be done.
  4. Find a local shelter or rescue and volunteer. Find creative ways to help them promote their black kitties.
  5. Adopt a black cat.

So, after writing this, I have to wonder: If we bring awareness and get more black cats adopted, are more orange and blue-eyed kitties going to die? The real awareness we need to foster is spay/neuter and adopt-not-shop. But for this post, black cats rule!


Adopt a black cat

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  1. Pingback: Black Cats Need Your Help - Savvy Pet Care

  2. Pingback: Are You Feeling Lucky? -- National Black Cat Day

  3. Paw-some post!
    The current ones here will be the fourth and fifth ones in my life!

  4. (Oooops put my wrong name in if you could except this one instead that would be swell :))
    I saved that picture to show a friend, she loooves black cats!!! Adopted two as well 🙂

  5. Great post! Some of my best furrends are black cats. Pop loves them too but has never had one cross his path.

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