Editor’s Note: This post, Is Lavender Toxic to Cats, has been updated with the latest research about lavender and cats, including information on essential oils and their potential risks as of December 2024. While lavender has its benefits for humans, it’s important to exercise caution around our feline friends.
I love lavender. I love the flowers, the scent, the color. I love everything about lavender, so imagine my delight when I recently won a gift bag full of lavender scented items. There was a lovely reed diffuser, body wash, moisturizer, even some laundry detergent.
Then someone said, “I hope you don’t have cats!” Oh, but I do. I have three cats. Then I had a little flicker in the back of my mind that reminded me I heard recently lavender is toxic to cats. So I put all those treasures away and didn’t think much more about them.
Then I also remembered that I have been using lavender scented air fresheners around my cats for years. What harm might I have done?
Is Lavender Toxic to Cats?
The end of June 2016, I went to the BlogPaws pet blogging conference in Chandler, Arizona. BlogPaws and the Cat Writers’ Association joined forces that year to make the conference doubly awesome. We received swag bags loaded with lots of terrific items provided by the sponsors and vendors.
Over the weekend, I finally had some time to thoroughly go through the bags to see what was in them. I needed to decide what Christy Paws would give away on her blog for her birthday/gotcha day celebration.
One of the items included was a calming collar from Sentry. And there, right on the top, it said lavender and chamomile fragrance. Sentry is part of Sergeant’s Pet Care Products and I know Sergeant’s has had issues with their flea medications so immediately a red flag went up. I knew I had to do some research on lavender. I wanted to know, is lavender toxic to cats and if so, what exactly does that mean?
What Exactly Does Toxic Mean?
As with many things on the internet, you’ll find many opinions. I wasn’t interested in opinions. I wanted some facts. Even the ASPCA lists lavender as toxic to cats so there must be some merit to the claim. (When I look at the list of plants toxic to cats, I wonder how they ever survived!) So, the first thing I wanted to know is, what exactly does toxic mean?
Webster’s Dictionary defines toxic as “containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation.” Is this really true of lavender? Could it kill my cat? Some seem to say yes, don’t let it anywhere near your cat. It will destroy it’s liver. On the other end of the spectrum, an article in Catster says it is safe for your cats to eat.
Does a Plant Have to be Deadly to be Classified as Toxic?
This is where the confusion and varying opinions come in to play. The answer is a resounding NO! Plants don’t have to be deadly to be classified as toxic. Toxic can mean anything from a little will kill to a whole lot will cause an upset stomach. A “toxic plant” list tells you nothing about how much is dangerous.
Lavender falls into the “a whole lot will cause an upset stomach” category. Ingesting the plant or flowers may cause a mild GI upset with nausea and vomiting, according to the ASPCA. Moderation is the key and I think most cats are good at the moderation part on their own.
Lavender is often listed as toxic to cats because it contains compounds like linalool and linalyl acetate. These compounds are harmless to humans but can be problematic for cats, whose livers lack the enzymes needed to break them down. While ingesting small amounts of lavender may only cause mild gastrointestinal upset, exposure to concentrated forms, like essential oils, can lead to more severe symptoms such as lethargy, respiratory issues, or liver damage.
What About Lavender Lotions and Diffusers?
But back to my goodies. I wasn’t planning on feeding lavender to my cats. I don’t even have a lavender plant. I want to use my room deodorizers and reed diffuser. I want to wear the lavender scented lotion. What about those? And what about that calming collar?
Dr. Melissa Shelton, who has pioneered the use of essential oils to treat animals, has used lavender (and other oils) in diffusers for years. When she first started, she watched her kitties closely and did lots of blood work to make sure they were healthy. She continued to monitor them to make sure no abnormalities were developing. Based on this and her observation of her cats’ behavior, she went on to explore further the use of essential oils for cats.
I feel pretty comfortable that my reed diffuser is fine to use around my cats. Of course, I have made sure they can’t get to it where they might ingest the oil and they can leave the room to get away from it.
If my cats don’t like the way something I have used smells, they let me know by moving away from me or it. It is unlikely that any hand or body lotion would contain enough lavender to create any kind of a problem but, to be safe, some recommend you wait until it is completely absorbed before touching your cat. I do that with any lotion anyway.
What About that Collar?
And as for that calming collar, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, research has confirmed that lavender produces slight calming, soothing, and sedative effects when its scent is inhaled. Sentry says their collar uses “a pheromone that mimics the one mother cats produce to calm their kittens, the collars are clinically proven to reduce or eliminate stress-related behavior such as inappropriate marking, destructive behavior, clawing and anti-social behavior. Collars help alleviate problem behaviors triggered by travel, thunderstorms, fireworks and new social situations.”
The collar ingredients state pheromones (squalene) 6% and inert ingredients of 94%. There’s no mention of the lavender or chamomile so I called the company. They should be getting back to me in a day or two and I will update this post.
Once I hear from them, I might give the collar a try the next time I take Christy in the car. She doesn’t hate the car anymore but she sure doesn’t love it! If the collar could help her be more comfortable, that would be a good thing.
Editor’s Note: I never heard back from Sentry.
Please note that this post is about LAVENDER. There are other herbs, plants and oils that are detrimental and even deadly to cats. But remember, when you read that something is toxic, you really need more information than that.
Why the Concern Over Essential Oils?
Treating cats with essential oils is a totally different subject for another post, but I wanted to address, without going into detail, what the concern over essential oils is.
Essential oils are 500-2,000 times stronger than the flower or plant from which they came. A cat’s liver lacks the enzymes necessary to break down and excrete certain chemicals in many essential oils as well as other substances, like aspirin, and these chemicals can build up to a lethal level. For this reason, lavender essential oil should be used with extreme caution around cats, if at all.
Here is a list from Optimum Choices of oils to definitely avoid around cats.
Lemon | Lime |
Orange | Bergamot |
Tangerine | Pine |
Mandarin | Spruce |
Grapefruit | Fir |
Cassia (cinnamon) | Thyme |
Clove | Savory |
Oregano |
If you’re unsure about a product, consult your veterinarian or refer to trusted resources like the ASPCA’s list of toxic plants and substances.
Practical Tips for Pet Owners
If you love lavender but want to keep your cats safe, here’s how you can enjoy its calming properties responsibly:
- Opt for lavender products that don’t produce airborne particles, like solid air fresheners.
- Store lavender-scented items out of your cat’s reach.
- Monitor your cat for any unusual symptoms, such as vomiting, drooling, or lethargy, if they’re exposed to lavender products.
- Avoid lavender essential oils entirely if you’re unsure of their safety.
My Final Thoughts on Toxicity of Lavender for Cats
Lavender is a beloved scent for many, offering relaxation and comfort. However, as pet owners, it’s essential to understand how our choices can impact our furry friends. While small exposures to lavender, such as in lotions or air fresheners, are generally not a cause for alarm, concentrated forms like essential oils demand more caution.
By taking simple precautions—keeping lavender products out of reach, using diffusers sparingly, and monitoring your cat’s behavior—you can enjoy lavender safely in your home without compromising your cat’s well-being.
Every cat is different, so always pay attention to your pet’s reactions and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns. With the right balance, you can enjoy the soothing benefits of lavender while ensuring your cats stay healthy and happy.
Have you used lavender products around your cats? What has your experience been? I’d love to hear your thoughts or tips in the comments!
ASPCA – Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants: Lavender
Toxic Plants- What Does That Really Mean
University of Maryland Medical Center: Lavender
Is Lavender Poisonous to Cats?
Pet Aromatherapy And Essential Oils: What You Need To Know
JustAnswer.com Cat Veterinary
Forget Everything Bad You’ve Ever Been Told About Essential Oils for Pets
Updated References:
Catster – Is Lavender Toxic to Cats?
Great Pet Care – Lavender and Cats
Hi, I am so glad I read your article. I also love lavender. I have a lavender scented candle that I usually light in my bedroom for relaxing sleep but I usually find my ginger boy has curled up and gone to sleep before me. Always when the candle is lit – even during the day!
He also really enjoys my evening moisturiser which has a lavender scent. I have often woken up nose to nose with my cat after using the cream!
I was concerned that Lavender was having an effect on the ginger boy but had concluded that it has a calming and soothing effect as it does on people. Fireworks are no longer a problem!!!
Thank you !!
I have a lavendar sachet in the cat toys and my cats pull it out and play with it. My cat is 2 now. So far no problems. He rubs his face all over it and pulls it out to play with a couple times a week. The girls are not very interested in the lavendar that I’ve seen. We all know kitties can be naughty at night while we sleep! Who knows what they do
ASPCA lists lavender as toxic to cats.
Hi Carol. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yes, I mention that in the post. I went on to explain that what they mean by that with regard to lavender is that a whole lot will cause an upset stomach. In that sense it is toxic but not poisonous. There is a huge difference.
I couldn’t figure out why my cat was suddenly having diarrhea, and then I noticed her nibbling on the new French lavender plant a friend gave me for my birthday. Which brought be here today. I’ve now moved it outside (cats are indoor only) and hoping she’s okay. She seems fine otherwise. Thank you!
Hi Ava! I’m just wondering if you ever heard back from Sentry regarding them not mentioning lavender or chamomile in their calming collar ingredients? I don’t see an update in your post yet. Would love an update!
I never heard a word from them. As a result, I don’t use and won’t recommend their product.
This is great information. I use essential oils for myself and always avoid them around my cats. I would love to diffuse lavender at bedtime, but was always afraid. It would sure help me sleep!
You really shouldn’t diffuse any essential oils around your cat. They are still inhaling them which can cause neurological damage. Please don’t use an oil diffuser if you have animals.
Just wondering if you ever found out any more information on the calming collar from Sentry. I just put one on my cat today and I am really interested in hearing from anyone else who has used one. Thanks
I never would have thought about Lavender being toxic to our pets. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Thank you so much for this post! I didn’t know that lavender is toxic for cats!
Thanks for reminding people how sensitive cats are and that toxic exposures can be cumulative. Great information! Citronella candles and oil are a problem for both cats and dogs. It’s that time of year for keeping mosquitoes at bay, whether you’re on an apartment balcony or in the yard. Thanks for helping people keep their pets safe =)
Thank you for doing this research. This article was quite informative and I’m glad you’re able to use your goodies and not worry about harming your cats.
This is great information to know about. I also have a cat and was wondering about lavender. Thanks for sharing this helpful information.
Thanks for sharing this important info! I don’t have any cats but will pass this info to my sister in law
Excellent and super informative post! I Pinned it on my “Mews News” Board!
Thank you so much!
I had no idea about this! It makes me not want to use anything around my house or on me.
I know what you mean! I had no idea about so many different oils and scents.
I had no idea that lavender was considered toxic for cats, but I do agree that toxic doesn’t mean deadly. I think we feel toxic means it is deadly, glad you shared this to make it more aware to other cat owners. I am 34 and had no idea that this was the case for lavender.
I’m glad to know that lavender is okay to use around cats. I think that a lot of us have fallen into the trap of thinking that reading that something is toxic and not finding out under what circumstances. I know that I’ve avoided giving my dogs avocado because I read it was toxic, but now I learned that the pit, skin, bark and leaves contain something that is toxic to birds and horses, while the avocado fruit is okay and healthy for dogs and cats to eat.
So much great info. I am glad you clarified the definition of toxic. I always worry when I read articles stating a household product could be toxic to my fur babies.
Wow I have to admit I had no idea about this! I don’t have a cat myself but my Mum does so I will be passing this straight onto her. x
This is interesting! I have had cats my whole life and had no idea. We have 3 right now. I don’t like lavender so I don’t ever keep any of it around!
I got married on a lavender farm, so suffice it to say I love myself some lavender. I’d be interested to see what a good friend of mine at pawcurious (and veterinarian) has to say on the topic. I’d never thought about lavender when it comes to cats (I don’t have one, but I’d love a Scottish Fold). Thanks for this info!
Hi Heather. I’d love to hear what your friend has to say if you get some info there. As much as I wanted facts, there still seems to be so many varying opinions on the topic. I love Scottish folds!
Thanks for your research. I love lavender and have used it around my cats – diffuser like you. They are similar to your cats and move away from smells they don’t like. I also have always been a bit uneasy about using essential oils with my pets – glad to have this list of the ones to absolutely avoid.
I really appreciated your information about what toxic really means. I’ve always thought that a pet had to ingest it in order for it to be toxic, but you’ve brought up a great point about fragrances! So many things that we do without thinking that can really affect our pets!!
You are so right. All we can do is keep educating ourselves about what is good or bad for them.
Oh wow, this really surprised me. I don’t have cats, I’ve got two dogs. I hope lavender isn’t toxic to them, I grow it in my yard! They haven’t munched it, but I need to look into whether it may need to be moved to the front or if it’s safe in case they decide to snack on it. Thanks for this info!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Dogs are far less sensitive than cats and lavender is considered safe for dogs. Over-indulging, as with anything, can sometimes cause reactions in some dogs.
I don’t have a cat anymore, but I remember having to be careful what the cat would get into. This is great information for a cat owner.
Wow I never would have know. This post is very informative thank you so much for sharing.
I Never Gave It Much Thought Til Now I Have Cats Never Had A Issue That I’m Aware Of With Lavender.I Thought Toxic Mean’t Deadly Til I Read Your Article Thank You For Making Me Aware Of This & All Your AWESOME Information!
Interesting. I must admit I was surprised how many plants and products can be toxic for cats and dogs if they ingest them.
I sometimes wonder the same thing! It seems like a lot of things are toxic for cats.
Hi I have an adult dog and cat both under 10lbs.
Really dog 7lbs – cat 81/2l s . To be specific
The vet wants me To use revolution on both . And I do .. but can’t I just use the puppy (lavender)
Strength Box for both?!
Cat is I domes cat now after being stoked. And found 6 months later . He won’t even look outside . So. Thankful for Facebook friend and others for the continued search for him . But anywho. After $4k in vet medical bills . I’m just trying to save a little scratch ,,,, get it ,, scratch …lol
Thank You
Hi Heidi, I think you left your comment in a place you didn’t mean to so I missed it. Check out this post and I think it will answer your question. https://savvypetcare.com/save-money-treating-fleas-revolution/
What a great read, thank you! I didn’t know that about lavender, and I also like the scent. But I guess it’s okay to continue enjoying the scent around cats.
Great information – thanks for doing the research and pulling it all together!
Great info, thanks for sharing