Author: Ava
Sick Kittens Nursed back to Health for MeoowzResQ
Helping Sick Kittens Savvy Pet Care is currently caring for sick kittens for MeoowzResQ. These kitties were saved from a high kill shelter, where, due to their illness, they were destined to be euthanized. As is common for kittens coming from shelters, they had upper respiratory infections (URI) and needed…
Wordless Wednesday: Adorable Kittens
Fleas – What to do if You have an Infestation
Flea Control–Why are Fleas so Hard to Eradicate?
What’s the Best Way to Identify Your Pet?
Hot Weather Tips to Keep Your Pet Cool
Traveling with Your Cat by Car
Traveling with Your Pet — Before You Go
Find a Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic or Program
Many states and counties have established low-cost spay/neuter programs that make surgery easily affordable and accessible. Through their partnership with PetSmart Charities®, the ASPCA has developed what seems to be a very comprehensive database of resources designed to help you find low-cost spay/neuter programs in your community. To find a low-cost program near…