Adopt AJ

Adopt AJ

He has such a wise and soulful look on his face.

This update on AJ is long overdue but things have been hectic here. AJ is an absolutely wonderful kitty and if I didn’t already have too many foster failures I would keep him myself. 

Once he realized he was safe here, his personality started to blossom. He is a calm, confident kitty. He loves to be a lap cat and sleeps with me every night. When my lap isn’t available, you can find him in his favorite spot. You can pick him up, hold and hug him, and he never tries to get away. He gets along with all the other kitties in the house, especially the girls. He hasn’t shown much interest in playing, but at his age, I’m sure he doesn’t find it very dignified. He comes when you call him, and not just when you have food! 

AJ at foster home

Speaking of food, I mentioned in another post that he is a finicky eater. He lost a pound or two when he first came here. Not only was he scared and hiding, but apparently he didn’t like what I had on the menu. I tried so many things to get him to eat including baby food and tuna. I feed raw food and he definitely wasn’t interested in that. Once he started eating, he would just lick the juice off. After much trial and error, I found the only thing he ate right down was Friskies — and not just any Friskies — only the prime filets or bits. Oh, and of course, he loves cooked chicken and pretty much any meat off of my plate. I don’t usually feed table scraps to any pets but I did some experimenting with him to see what he likes.

Friskies "shreds" are OK but not his favorite!

Friskies “shreds” are OK but not his favorite!


If you set a dish down, be sure it is empty. Any people food is preferred over cat food.

If you set a dish down, be sure it is empty. Any people food is preferred over cat food – even pasta sauce.

He is a very, very slow eater. I feed him first while I get food ready for the rest of the cats. When they finish, he is still barely half done. I have to watch to make sure he gets his full meal but he is getting better about not leaving it if other cats approach.

AJ is a large kitty. He is on the lean side at 14 pounds. He is half again the size of any of my other full grown cats, length and height wise. His size reminds me of my Topper who got me into all this fostering business. Topper could stand up and put is front paws on the kitchen counter. AJ is almost that big.

When my lap isn't available, you can find him in his favorite spot.

When my lap isn’t available, you can find him in his favorite spot.

I don’t have a dog but I do occasional sleepovers for clients’ dogs. When one is here, he is not afraid and shows definite interest in checking it out. I think he Adopt AJwould be a good companion for a friendly dog.

How to Adopt AJ

AJ has had a traumatic past few months. After being dumped by his owner at the age of 10 and one adoption situation not working out, we are looking for a special someone or family who will love AJ for the rest of his life. If you can provide him that forever, loving home and want to adopt AJ, visit the MeoowzResQ website and download the adoption application. You can email it back or fax it to 213-270-9322. Contact MeoowzResQ at 714-997-0868 or email 


AJ loves to be a lap kitty!

Oh, and his teddy bear is still here but he shows no interest in it. It will remain here to comfort other scared kitties after AJ is adopted.

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  1. How is AJ doing now?

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